Monday, May 12, 2008

Be Sure To.....

come by and see me and Suzy-Q as we continue our Tour De Scrapbooking, with our stop in Manchester, NH. Enjoy all of the sights and sounds of the CKC Convention and come by and say hi.

And maybe even pick up a few things!!

The Vendor Faire starts on Friday at 10am and ends at 6pm. Saturday the show floor is open from 9-5 p.m. So you have plenty of time to come over and visit!!

Enjoy your day!!


P.S. If you come by please bring cookies!


Anonymous said...

oooh, Justin, I just made chocolate chip cookies last night, but my son's preschool class ate them all. However, maybe I can be talked into making some for CKC-Charlotte, if you're heading that way!

Scrap-Mart said...

Darn it!!!!! I am actually not going to the Charlotte Show, I am having to man the store that weekend! Tear......Oh well, thanks anyway though!!!